Collection Made Easy

Collect More​

Flexible fee schedules, which can be relative to other existing plans with percentage or fixed value carve-outs, enable high precision pricing. Full support for Medicare guidelines, accurate travel calculations and billing enables you to maximize your return. Last, a comprehensive set of reports will highlight bottlenecks in the lab that prevent bills from going out and breaks down returns by payers, services, clients, and more.

Control Your Business

Stay on top of your collections, expected revenue, and manage your accounting prediction easily and intuitively. LabOS billing module will give you a birds-eye view of your laboratory collection and billing status connected directly to the patient account and data.

Automate More, Work Less

LabOS Billing module synchronizes with the lab’s orders. Late test additions and cancellations occurs automatically, even after payments. Tests will turn into billable services by applying predefined rules, including automatic resolution of colliding panels, grouping ordered tests into billable panels, and any other user-defined rules.

Adapt Easily

The integrated ANSI interface engine makes adjusting to specific clients’ custom formats and interfacing with clearinghouses, a breeze. You can select from a variety of invoice formats or build your own for each client. You will find all you need at your fingertips.

Learn more on how labOS can help your
lab thrive and generate revenue